I love nothing better that when reading the last line of a book, it feels like a tiny death because it’s over. I never read novels by Elisabeth Gilbert until now. Well, I read “Big Magic”, but that’s not a novel, that’s about daring to be a creator. But I do love it when she […]
Category: Book residue
Book residue #1 Ann Patchett, The Dutch House.
I love all the subtleties that makes up this book – it has as many pages written in between the lines as it has actual pages. The burden of past things we haven’t let go off, and the millions of ways that shapes our lives, and the people we become… There is something heartbreakingly true […]
Book residue
I love reading and I spend a lot of time doing it. Because of this I tend to forget a lot of what I have read, because I move on so quickly. Too quickly, probably. I know I should let them linger and grow into me – but instead I just keep consuming, always moving […]