I love reading and I spend a lot of time doing it.
Because of this I tend to forget a lot of what I have read, because I move on so quickly. Too quickly, probably.
I know I should let them linger and grow into me – but instead I just keep consuming, always moving on to next thing.
That’s really too bad. And when I think about it, also sort of disrespectful.
Now that I have this blog, I thought I might leave some thoughts and impressions here. Not actual reviews I think – just enough for me to remember the state of mind they left me in, so that I might be able to return and digest residue thoughts that might still need pondering – or savoring.
Leaving some of it here, so I don’t just forget.
It will be a small way of honoring the people who spend their lives creating these precious things that books are. I am so eternally grateful to them.
Sort of the way you send a caring thought to a friend, when you see them in a picture, or look at gift that they have given you.
Books have always felt that way to me. Like a precious, personal gift from the mind of the author, given to me with the permission to let it run wild and free within me.
That really should not be forgotten so easily.
For 2021 I decided to try and read outside of my book comfort-zone.
I LOVE old sci-fi books like “Frank Herbert, Dune” and “Robert Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land”, so that is usually what I go for.
But the treasures in this genre is few and far between, so I do end up reading a lot of very bad sci-fi.
So, I am branching out a bit this year, and looking forward to seeing what new experiences this might bring. And then I will sprinkle the book residue out on this blog, so that it does not vaporize and dissapear.