That’s it. You can make your dreams come true.
People have so much resistance to that idea. But when people say “it’s not possible” to realize some dream they have, what they really mean is that the don’t want to do the work. They want it to magically appear – just poof into existence in one glorified second. If that’s the criteria for dreams to come true, then they are right. That’s highly unlikely.
But really – how much of the good stuff happens that way?
To really step into your own agency is scary. But If you’re willing to do the work, most things are possible.
I love Marie Foleos mantra of ”Everything is Figureoutable”.
She’s totally right, and it is a very empowering way to see the world.
I get that it is scary. I get that it can seem like a monumental task, too big to take on. And it might be hard. Most things worth doing is kinda hard, because we have to push ourselves to learn, act, reach out and grow. The great thing though? That is usually also what makes it worth it.
Start by cutting it up into smaller, less scary, more edible slices.
Want to write a book? Write one page a day. That’s doable, right?
You can spend years and years thinking “wouldn’t it be awesome if..” or, you can spend a little time every day, learning about that thing. The more you learn about it, the easier it will be for you to figure out how to approach it. Then do the work, and make it happen, one step after another.
There are very few things in life that are not possible to achieve this way.
I know the resistance will tell you otherwise. It will come up with endless reasons why you should not do it. But it lies. There is an amazing one armed concert pianist out there, FFS. And blind photographers. I have listened to about a gazillion founder-stories of people building businesses, and the all started from absolutely zero. So many awesome projects got started in someone’s crappy basement. AirBNB started because some guys rented out an air mattress on their floor, because they had trouble paying their bills.
Most of us started from zero and build from there.
That’s where you will stay, if you don’t start somewhere.
Is there really a good reason not to?